Sure, our shoes were initially designed with making comfort heels for women with bunions, but even women without foot problems love our shoes. It's because they look fabulous but still feel incredible to wear. That's huge progress for those who struggle to find a dress shoe that they can wear without experiencing pain. If you have an important event that requires formal wear, of course you want to wear a towering, spiky heel that will flatter your legs and compliment your outfit. At Julie Lopez that's exactly what you'll find.
Comfort Heels for Women Without the Pain
Take a look at our latest collection. You will be impressed with the selection of styles, leathers and colors. When finding comfort heels for women is the goal, Julie Lopez is proud to bring you style and luxury along with that comfort. Don't let sore feet keep you from having the gorgeous shoes you deserve. Our custom made shoes will make wearing heels an option again for you -- beautiful heels without the pain.